Dear Coach,
I am the starting attack for a small midwestern school. There are no big time clubs around. I'm a sophomore now and want to get recruited for a DI program. My coach says I'm good enough and he says he'll help any way he can. How do i get started?

Getting Recruited from a region like the Midwest, Southwest or the West Coast can be significantly more challenging than the traditional powerhouse lacrosse regions of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
The same would apply for the Deep South and Southeastern regions of the United States. Even though there are many more college lacrosse programs that are emerging across the country both at the DI and DII levels the nucleus of College Coaches remain in the powerhouse regions of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
The same would apply for the Deep South and Southeastern regions of the United States. Even though there are many more college lacrosse programs that are emerging across the country both at the DI and DII levels the nucleus of College Coaches remain in the powerhouse regions of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
The challenge of being recruited from a Western or Southern Region is that it is unlikely that your high school games will ever have significant attendance if any from college coaches. A Chaminade vs. St. Anthony's High School match up on Long Island may draw anywhere from 30-40 college coaches. The same would apply for a hot Maryland matchup of Boy's Latin vs Loyola Blakefield in Baltimore or West Genesee vs. Fayetteville Manlius in upstate New York. I have been to Pennsylvania High School Playoff games in the Spring where Haverford Prep is playing and the sidelines are lined with Top DI, DII and DIII College Coaches. Fairfield County (CT) teams like Darien, New Canaan, Wilton and Fairfield Prep are common feeding grounds for top coaches around the country. Let's not forget about New Jersey and teams like Delbarton and Seton Hall Prep. Westchester County (NY) have teams like John Jay, Yorktown and Ridgefield (CT) that have produced some of the greatest college players to ever play the game!
The common thread with all these recruiting grounds is that they are 2-5 hours apart from each other and allow coaches to get there easily from all the major DI, DII and DII Colleges. Before YOU even attend one summer recruiting event coaches have had numerous evaluations on high school players from the major recruiting markets
So, yes you are at a disadvantage. In order to successful in the Recruiting Process in a non-major market you have to be organized and you will have to market and promote yourself. You will also need your High School or Club Coach advocate on your behalf. Here are some important steps to help assure your success in this process.
1) Attend Recruiting Showcases like Blue Chip 225 or Tournaments that are well attended by coaches.
2) Maximize your
opportunities and play your very best at all times. Your evaluation opportunities are limited and Coaches will notice both your effort and your attitude.
3) Attend Showcases and Tournaments that are in the general region of colleges you would like to attend. That way there is a better chance they will attend.
4) Express interest to the college coaches and lacrosse programs that you are interested in. Make sure you include a thorough academic and athletic profile along with a strong highlight video. Market yourself!
5) Notify the College Coaches at which Showcase events and Tournaments you will be attending so you can be evaluated properly.
6) Map out and plan your recruiting calendar for the summer. Maybe attend a Showcase event the first week, visit colleges or attend a prospect day a second week and attend a third showcase event in the third week. This means being on the road for a couple weeks at a time.
7) Keep your head up! The process can be frustrating. Remember that every player has a different recruiting experience, some commit at an early age others in their senior year.
8) Make the process your own and don't worry about everyone else.

Every coach has online player info.
Every coach at the showcase has easy access to data on each player. Over up to 7 games you have a chance to showcase your game to a wide range of college coaches.
All coaches are college coaches - 100+
We have a large number of coaches from all divisions, areas and types of schools. Others attend as observers and still others view all star games online.
All games are saved on video online.
Thanks for our video partners, Touchline Video, and Front Rush profile service, all your games will be available to college coaches online for a year.
All Star games are webcast nationally.
Each showcase has two divisions, varsity and elite, and two all star teams are selected for each division. Their games are broadcast live online and every college coach in the country is invited to tune in.
Our alumni tell us it works.
We survey our players each year and 90% of Rising Seniors, and 70% of Rising Juniors report college coach contacts as a result of attending Blue Chip 225.

Ted Spencer
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