Take Charge of Your College Recruiting
If you are an athlete looking to play college level lacrosse, planning should be underway NOW... That's right. Whether you are a Rising Freshmen or a Senior planning graduation, you should be taking the initiative in planning your future.
The earlier you start and the more actively you take charge, the more your future will meet YOUR goals. Don't sit back and let the interest of a pool of coaches determine the full range of your options.
Seeking to use your athletic achievements in college requires that you start your search early - as early as possible - since you have to factor time to identify colleges and elicit coach interest.
Start early - Be Active!
- An excellent way to begin your search is with collegedata.com. It offers a matching service which includes your preferences for region, size of college and community, major, sport choice, financial support and much more. Simply complete the form, and it returns a list of colleges and links that provides a strong starting point for your college search.
- The standard in college search is Petersons.com which has long provided information and online tools for identifying colleges of interest.
- Once you identify a range of schools you can get the "inside scoop" from sites such as College Confidential, a source of student comments on their colleges. This site offers a wide ranging set of search criteria. Of particular note is the AI Calculator for consideration of Ivy and similar schools. You can begin to narrow your list.
- Now that you have a list of schools which meet your preferences you can begin to approach them and consider them in detail. US Lacrosse has a detailed and helpful guide to college selection and recruitment. Look particularly at pages 7-9 in evaluating colleges.
This newsletter is part of our commitment to help players and families pursue their sports goals. We hope that you find this information helpful.
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